Pumping on empty

Device: Pump
Estimated Savings:

When I installed sense I noticed an unknown 600w load from 6am to noon every day. I have an aerobic septic system that the irrigation spray pump was on a timer with a shutoff float switch. After some basic testing I realized that the pump was on for the ENTIRE TIME it was set to even after it had emptied the tank. About 5 hours more than it should. I could use Sense to determine the optimal time to change the timer to empty the tank while minimizing the ‘pumping on empty’ waste.

LED bulb conversion

Device: Light
Estimated Savings:

Over the years I have changed many conventional bulbs to LED bulbs when on sale for many styles. I replaced 10x 8ft garage lights, outdoor spot lights, inside bulbs in many fixtures and have saved a large amount in our electricity bill. Our standalone generator starts up much easier when needed. I have over time been able to identify different usage to label areas on upgrading better appliances when needed.

45 recessed light fixtures and more

Device: Light
Estimated Savings:

We moved into a house that has 45 recessed light fixtures. I installed Sense and was rather shocked to see how much power we were using at night. I found that they all had 85 watt incandescent bulbs. Talk about energy hogs. I immediately replaced them with sealed LED trims which use 9.4 watt and put out more lumens of light and less heat. If we figure that only 25% of them are on at a time for about four hours a night that comes out to about $150 to $200 a year in reduced electric consumption. We also replaced all the outside lighting with LEDs although I don’t think that is saving any money as we now keep many on all night for security as they don’t use nearly the light of the 85-150 watt bulbs that were in them before.